Mission 360 / Bay Area Chess Friday Night Quick Swiss
Friday, Oct. 20th, Oct 27th, Nov. 17th, Dec. 8th, Dec. 15th
Registration: Fill out the form here.
Main Event:
Where: Bay Area Chess, 2050 Concourse Dr STE 42, San Jose, CA 95131
When: six event series on Friday night 7 pm - 9 pm
Time Control: 4SS, G/15 d5
One section
Games will be USCF quick rated
Supplemental OTB regular/quick rating for the current month will be used. TD has discretion to use online rating or live rating for pairing purposes in extreme cases.
Entry Fee: $30 per event. Multiple-event discount offered!
PayPal (friends and family) whui_99 at yahoo dot com
5% discount if registering for 2-3 events; 10% discount if registering for 4-5 events. Registration needs to be in at least 3 days before the first event. And all registrations need to happen at the same time.
Financial assistance is available for under-represented or under-privileged players. Please contact admin@mission360foru.org
Prize for Top Player based on 6 paid entries: $100
Eligibility: Active USCF membership
Bill G bill@mission360foru.org
Sponsor: Mission 360, Bay Area Chess
Advanced Entries: