Mission 360 / Bay Area Chess /Eade Foundation 

Special Fundraising Community Swiss 

February 11, 2023

Andrew G.; Nicholas W.; Leonardo L.; Eduardo L.; Osvaldo L.; Po-Yen L.; Chun-Yen L.; Suhas I.; Sricharan P.; Shenghan F.; Aiden L.; Nathan Y.; James B.; Swagatha S.

Mission360 partners with the Eade Foundation and Bay Area Chess to support the chess-in-school program operated by Defying the Oddz Chess @ Capetown South Africa. With supports from generous donors like you, they are able to bring chess and free lunches to schools in the area. 

Come enjoy a day of chess and support Chess-in-School in Capetown, South Africa! 

Every Donor's name will be printed on a commemorative poster to be delivered to the Eade Foundation/South Africa. 

Mission360 will match every single dollar donated. Together, let's bring chess to one more kid on the other side of the world!

Registration: Fill out the form here.

Main Event: For everyone rated >1000

Scholastic Swiss Side Event: For K-12 players under 1000

Entry Fee: Free! suggested donation $77 or as much as you' like to support Chess in School in Capetown, South Africa!

Eligibility:  Active USCF membership; section based on current month supplement or real time post-tournament. 


Eric W eric_w@mission360foru.org

Bill G bill@mission360foru.org

Shuibing D shuibing@mission360foru.org


Sponsor: Mission 360, Bay Area Chess, Eade Foundation

Advanced Entry: 

Feb 11 Special Swiss Published Entry