Mission 360 / Bay Area Chess FREE! Community Swiss
December 23, 2022
Where: 2050 Concourse Dr #42, San Jose, CA 95131
When: 6PM - 9:30PM Dec 23rd, 2022
Registration: Fill out the form here.
Time Control: 3SS G/30; d5.
Round Time (approximate): 6PM 1st round; subsequent round starts when players are ready.
Game will be USCF quick and regular rated
Supplemental OTB regular rating for the current month will be used. TD has discretion to use online rating or live rating for pairing purposes in extreme cases.
FREE for all! Come enjoy a fun night of chess!
Eligibility: Active USCF membership; USCF (current month supplement or real-time post-tournament) >2000
Eric W eric_w@mission360foru.org
Bill G bill@mission360foru.org
Shuibing D shuibing@mission360foru.org
Kevin P kevin@mission360foru.org
Sponsor: Mission 360, Bay Area Chess