Mission 360/Eade Foundation Fundraising Community Blitz

August 11, 2024

We are excited to share that our recent Fundraising Community Blitz was a success! Thanks to the collective generosity of our supporters, we raised $591.33 in donations. With the 100% match from Mission360, a total of $1,182.66 will be contributed to the Eade Foundation's chess-in-school project in Uganda, Africa.


The following players donated: 


Gary Scheppler, Bennett Liang, Eric Li, Andrew Guo, Ashley Pang, Nicholas Weng, Dylan Tang.

Thank you to the Mission360 match donors for their support as well:

Eric Li, Ashley Pang, Nicholas Weng, Andrew Guo, Dylan Tang, Jeffrey Wang, Kevin Pan, Xuli Dai.

Congratulations to the following players for their outstanding performances:

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to the winners for their generous donation of their prizes.

Thank you all for making this initiative a success and for your continued support!

Mission360 partners with Eade Foundation to support Chess Academy in Uganda, Africa.  With supports from generous donors like you, we can help by feeding them, educating them, and giving them a better life of living. Together we can support the orphans in need because they are the leaders of tomorrow.


Come enjoy a day of fun chess with free cold drinks to beat the summer heat and support Chess Academy in Uganda! 

Mission360 will match every single dollar donated. Together let's bring chess to one more kid from the other side of the world!


Tournament info


Tournament Rules

Registration:  Fill out the form here.

Entry Fee: $40 or as much as you'd like to support Chess Academy in Uganda, Africa!

Eligibility:  Active USCF membership; section based on current month supplement or real time post-tournament.


        Eric Li eric@mission360foru.org

        Eric W eric_w@mission360foru.org

        Bill G bill@mission360foru.org


Sponsors: Mission 360, Eade Foundation

Prize Fund (Based on 15 paid entries)

1800+: 1st place $150, 2nd place $75

U1800: 1st place $75, 2nd place $37

Mission-8-11-Blitz (Responses)